Investor Relations

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the first trading date and price of Eksun Gıda Tarım Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. on Borsa Istanbul?

The shares of Eksun Gıda Tarım Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (Eksun Gıda), which were offered to the public at a price of 48.90 TL per share, started trading on 24/03/2023 using the continuous trading method

What is the stock ticker under which Eksun Gıda is traded on Borsa Istanbul?

Eksun Gıda is traded on Borsa Istanbul under the stock ticker 'EKSUN'.

On which market is Eksun Gıda listed on in Borsa İstanbul?

Eksun Gıda shares are traded in Borsa İstanbul(BIST) Star Market.

What are the ownership structure and free float rate of Eksun Gıda?

Eksun Gıda's main shareholder is Eksim Yatırım Holding Anonim Şirketi, with a 71.37% stake. 28.63% of the company's shares are traded on the Borsa İstanbul (BIST) equity market.

On which stock indices does Eksun Gıda take place?


Is Eksun Gıda included in the Borsa İstanbul Participation Indices? Do you consider maintaining a position in the Participation Index a long-term strategic goal for your company?

Eksun Gıda is part of the BIST KATILIM TUM Index. Eksun Gıda adopts a working culture aligned with participation finance principles

Where are Eksun Gıda’s production facilities?

Eksun Gıda, which has been active in the sector since 1996, operates production facilities in three locations: two in Tekirdağ and one in Konya.

What is Eksun Gıda’s produciton capacity?

Eksun Gıda, with approximately 96,000 square meters of open and closed space, an annual wheat milling capacity of 600,000 tons, and about 52,000 tons of wheat storage capacity, is one of the leading flour producers in the country, thanks to its organized distribution network.

Is there any decision to increase the produciton capacity ?

Eksun Gıda, which began operations in 1996 with an annual wheat milling capacity of 45,000 tons, has consistently grown by capitalizing on periodic opportunities throughout its history, reaching an annual capacity of 600,000 tons today. Although there is currently no decision to increase capacity, Eksun Gıda is focused on optimization investments to make the most efficient use of its existing capacity. Opportunities that could further support its growth are continuously monitored.

As Eksun Gıda, to how many countries do you export your products, and what percentage of your total revenue is generated from exports?

Eksun Gıda which derives a significant portion of its revenue from export sales, is one of the leading companies in its sector by exporting to over 30 countries. Its main export markets include the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Although the share of export revenue in total revenue varies over time, it generally ranges between 25% and 30%. In 2022, this share was 29%.

What is the impact of currency fluctuations and/or volatility on your operational results?

One of the key advantages for flour millers including Eksun Gıda is our ability to source our primary raw material which is wheat, from the domestic market. Turkey is self-sufficient in wheat, and the grain market is one of the most regulated sectors in the country. Additionally, wheat can be imported for export purposes under inward processing permits. Consequently, a natural hedge mechanism is established due to the nature of our operations. Furthermore, our company’s foreign exchange position is closely monitored and effectively managed by our experienced teams.

What is the company's management's approach to buyback programs?

Eksun Gıda initiated a share buyback program on May 3, 2023, to support healthy price formation for its shares traded on Borsa İstanbul and completed the buyback. The total amount of shares purchased reached the maximum amount of 60,000,000 TL announced in the program and the buyback program ended on June 19, 2023.

Has Eksun Gıda carried out a share buyback program for its shares traded on Borsa İstanbul?

Eksun Gıda initiated a share buyback program on May 3, 2023, to support healthy price formation for its shares traded on Borsa İstanbul and repurchased 992,954 shares. The total amount of shares purchased reached the maximum limit of 60,000,000 TL announced in the program, and the buyback program ended on June 19, 2023.

Are the shares repurchased by Eksun Gıda in the 2023 buyback program still held by the company, or have they been sold?

Under the buyback program, the shares repurchased between May 3 and June 19, 2023, have not been sold and are still held by the company.

Does the company or its main shareholder have any undertaking to avoid increasing the number of shares in circulation or to refrain from selling shares?

As may be seen from the Eksun Gıda prospectus, it is committed that there will be no capital increase through the issuance of new shares for one year from the start of trading of the publicly offered shares on Borsa İstanbul, and no sales, transfers, pledges, or any other transactions resulting in such effects will be made on the shares held by the company. Additionally, the main shareholder has undertaken not to sell the company shares they own on Borsa İstanbul for one year from the start of trading of the publicly offered shares, and any sales outside the exchange will also be subject to this restriction.

It was announced in the fund usage report that 20% of the revenue from Eksun Gıda's public offering would be allocated to investments in renewable energy plants. Has the allocated public offering revenue been used for this purpose? Is there a management decision change regarding the energy investment?

During the public offering period, it was shared with the public that Eksun Gıda would invest in a 28 MW renewable energy plant, which would meet the electricity needs of its production facilities and provide additional sales opportunities. However, it should be noted that energy investments involve a complex process requiring medium-to-long-term efforts and permissions. For the planned 18,900 kW wind energy plant in Bergama, İzmir, call letters have been received, and the investment processes are ongoing. If there are developments regarding other stages of the investment beyond the 18,900 kW, all shareholders will be informed simultaneously through the Public Disclosure Platform. Additionally, the portion of the public offering revenue allocated for this project is still held in cash and is being evaluated in accordance with participation finance principles to prevent value loss.

Is Eksun Gıda planning a bonus issue (free capital increase)? What is your perspective on this matter?

In 2024, Eksun Gıda completed a bonus issue of 757.14285% entirely funded from internal resources. In accordance with Article 6, Paragraph 6 of the Capital Markets Board's Communiqué II-18.1 on the Registered Capital System, the company’s registered capital ceiling of 240,000,000 TL was exceeded on a one-time basis, increasing the company’s paid-in capital to 600,000,000 TL. Information about the capital increase is published via the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP), where all shareholders can access it simultaneously. You can follow the developments on our KAP page.

What is Eksun Gıda’s dividend distribution policy?

Eksun Gıda's publicly disclosed and Board-approved dividend distribution policy can be accessed on the company’s website or via the Public Disclosure Platform. For Eksun Gıda’s Dividend Distribution Policy, please click here. Eksun Gıda’s dividend distribution policy aims to distribute at least 20% of the distributable net profit of the relevant period in cash and/or as additional shares to the company’s capital, provided it can be covered from existing resources in the legal records, in accordance with Capital Markets Board regulations. The amount and method of profit distribution are decided by the General Assembly, taking into account the regulations of the Capital Markets Board and the Board of Directors' recommendations.

How are the stock prices of companies traded on Borsa İstanbul determined?

Borsa İstanbul functions as a marketplace that facilitates the buying and selling of stocks and other capital market instruments under conditions of free competition, ensuring transactions occur in a transparent, competitive, honest, and stable environment. Stock prices are determined by supply and demand dynamics following investor decisions. Various micro and macro factors can influence investors' decisions. For details on the operational principles of Borsa İstanbul’s Equity Market, please visit:

What are Eksun Gıda’s communication channels for questions from investors and stakeholders?

You can contact our Investor Relations unit through our investor hotline at +90 216 999 11 58 or via email at to address your questions.